Blending Strategic Foresight & Innovation | Design Thinking & Behavioural Finance practitioner | Crafting Future-Focused Strategies with Empathy

In 2013, I launched "Strategy Square" (, a platform dedicated to sharing insights, case studies, and exploratory "what if" scenarios. As an experienced practitioner in business and innovation strategies, I have been delivering engaging talks and facilitating workshops for entrepreneurs, CXOs, and academic institutions. Through Strategy Square and my public speaking engagements, I aim to empower leaders and organizations to navigate the complexities of strategic decision-making, harness the power of innovation, and capitalize on emerging opportunities in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

Look forward to connecting with industry professionals and exploring potential collaborations in the ever-evolving domains of foresight, strategic innovation, and business design.

Medium member since July 2023
Connect with Sajid Khetani
Sajid Khetani

Sajid Khetani

Blending Strategic Foresight & Innovation | Design Thinking & Behavioural Finance practitioner | Crafting Future-Focused Strategies with Empathy